It Is A Dog’s Holiday

In theses days of nuclear families and rushed life of metros and jobs which will take you any where in India you do not have the extended family to support each other in an emergency or when you want to go on holidays.So you have to take your pet with you on a holiday too.But if you can manage it leave your pet with friends or family or a pet sitting agency.It is a good idea.Just imagine the pleasure both of you will get when you go to pick up the pet after the holiday.

Dogs come in all sizes.The bigger they are the more difficult they will be to manage in strange places and among strangers.They are just one more child of whom you have to be doubly careful.Given it is not a chore it is a pleasure to look after the gentleman who just happens to be a dog.You will never even realize when your holiday will be hijacked by your pet.All decisions will revolve around the fact whether the establishment is dog friendly or not.One disgruntled owners refusal to entertain your pet can put a cloud over the whole holiday.

Dogs do get injured on holidays.You will always have to have him on a leash.When you take him to the hotel-you will definitely want him in your room-you will have to ensure that his paws and mouth are clean,you will have to take him out twice a day, maybe even clean up after him.What if he takes a dislike to a guest or one of the staff.He can be vociferously loud in showing his displeasure.

Bring your friend on a holiday with you only as a last resort.Ensure that he has had all his shots at the Vet’s. If you have a car and a driver-it will make your life simpler on the holiday with a pet.

Morning Walk

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